Our Blog

Maintaining Healthy Teeth This Summer in Colorado Springs

Maintaining Healthy Teeth This Summer in Colorado Springs When you're having fun in the sun, it can be a challenge to maintain good oral health, especially with all the summer activities and events going on with family and friends. The important thing to remember is...

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We have a winner!

We have a winner!

Guerra Dental is proud to announce the winner of the Guerra Dental college scholarship. Denim Sendejo, a freshman at Western State College, majoring in Actuarial Science, is the winner of our 2017 scholarship essay contest. Here is her essay! Why it is better to go...

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All about aging and your teeth

How does getting older affect your teeth … and how do changes in your teeth and your bite affect your looks and your health? Dr. Guerra at Guerra Dental has the answers, and he and his team are ready to help counteract those effects in a number of ways. Learn all...

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Diagnodent: a tool to detect and correct tooth decay

Diagnodent: A Tool to Detect and Correct Tooth Decay Early detection of cavities, or “caries,” is key to dental health. DIAGNOdent is a hand-held detection tool that scans your teeth with harmless laser light and searches out hidden decay at its earliest stages. The...

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Free Oral Cancer Screening for the Month of April

The Oral Cancer Foundation has designated the month of April as Oral Cancer Awareness Month and encourages people to get screened now. Guerra Dental will be offering free oral cancer screenings for the month of April. Oral cancer is not a rare disease. Approximately...

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Dental Health Affects Systemic Health

Dental Health Affects Systemic Health We all learned growing up that our dental health is important since brushing your teeth helps prevent cavities, whitens your teeth, and keeps your breath fresh. But did you know bad oral bacteria are linked to many serious health...

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